Frederikssund Golf Club

More attractions and museums

Find more attractions and museums in Fjordlandet.

RAGNAROCK - Museet for pop, rock og ungdomskultur


RAGNAROCK is a contemporary cultural history museum of pop, rock and youth culture in Roskilde.

The Fjord route – Route 40

Experience The Fjord path, which is one of Denmark's most beautiful cycling routes.

The Tour de France route

In 2022, the Grand Départ riders passed through the scenic Fjordlandet along Denmark’s most beautiful fjords, Roskilde Fjord and Isefjord.

Experiences in and around Frederikssund

Find more experiences in Frederikssund and surrounding area.

J.F. Willumsens Museum - Frederikssund - kunst symbolisme ekspressionisme

Willumsens Museum

Willumsens Museum in Frederikssund is a color explosion in all the colors of the rainbow - just to stimulate the senses in both children and adults.

A guide to the best fishing spots in Fjordlandet

Fjordlandet is the place for anglers who want good catches and great nature experiences in Roskilde, Lejre and Frederikssund
Frederikssund Golfklub

Frederikssund Golfklub

Beautifully located golf club with fantastic views of Roskilde Fjord.


See what our guests experience

Craving a taste of Denmark’s culinary delights? 🧁😍
Discover the best Fastelavnsboller in Fjordlandet with our guide! 🎉Read the full guide via link in bio 👉 @visitfjordlandet#visitfjordlandet #fjordlandet #oplevfjordlandet #visitroskilde #visitlejre #visitfrederikssund #beautıfuldestınatıons #denmark #visitdenmark #govisitdenmark #baredanmark #bestofdenmark #exploredenmark #traveldenmark #cakecreationsdk #ærligt #caféfrujørgensen #rustikbageriet #cafefjordliv #herslevbryghus #fastelavnsboller #fastelavnsbollejagten

Craving a taste of Denmark’s culinary delights? 🧁😍
Discover the best Fastelavnsboller in Fjordlandet with our guide! 🎉

Read the full guide via link in bio 👉 @visitfjordlandet

#visitfjordlandet #fjordlandet #oplevfjordlandet #visitroskilde #visitlejre #visitfrederikssund #beautıfuldestınatıons #denmark #visitdenmark #govisitdenmark #baredanmark #bestofdenmark #exploredenmark #traveldenmark #cakecreationsdk #ærligt #caféfrujørgensen #rustikbageriet #cafefjordliv #herslevbryghus #fastelavnsboller #fastelavnsbollejagten

Join the light festival in Roskilde, where winter darkness turns into a canvas for luminous creations, bringing joy to both children and adults ✨🤩"Experience a giant glowing jellyfish hanging in the air, join the enchanting illuminated parade, or transform sound into flames 🔥📅 Friday, February 2, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PMEvent: @kulturstroeg
Video: @maiavictordose
Artists: @maj_d_art @jakob.falling @laukrogh_sandell#visitfjordlandet #fjordlandet #oplevfjordlandet #visitroskilde #visitlejre #visitfrederikssund #beautıfuldestınatıons #denmark #visitdenmark #govisitdenmark #baredanmark #bestofdenmark #exploredenmark #traveldenmark #exploredenmark #lysfest2024 #kulturstrøget #alletiderslysfest #lysfestroskilde #kunstoplevelser #cityillumination #festivalvibes #artexperiences #lightfestivalroskilde #luminousparade #lightart #lightinstallations #vinterlys #lysoptog #lyskunst

Join the light festival in Roskilde, where winter darkness turns into a canvas for luminous creations, bringing joy to both children and adults ✨🤩

"Experience a giant glowing jellyfish hanging in the air, join the enchanting illuminated parade, or transform sound into flames 🔥

📅 Friday, February 2, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Event: @kulturstroeg
Video: @maiavictordose
Artists: @maj_d_art @jakob.falling @laukrogh_sandell

#visitfjordlandet #fjordlandet #oplevfjordlandet #visitroskilde #visitlejre #visitfrederikssund #beautıfuldestınatıons #denmark #visitdenmark #govisitdenmark #baredanmark #bestofdenmark #exploredenmark #traveldenmark #exploredenmark #lysfest2024 #kulturstrøget #alletiderslysfest #lysfestroskilde #kunstoplevelser #cityillumination #festivalvibes #artexperiences #lightfestivalroskilde #luminousparade #lightart #lightinstallations #vinterlys #lysoptog #lyskunst

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I nyhedsbrevet deler vores rejseeksperter deres bedste tips og råd til events, tilbud og ture i Fjordlandet.
